STEX advanced design bureau doesn't necessarily expect any awards for the following
Inventions, but for the purpose of Technology Highlighting of Inventions and it's
importance in the Technolgy Ecosystem, it could showcase potentially 30 prospective academic
medals, for it's Inventions, Fundamental research and system Designs.
- 11 Turings( Computer science )
- 9± Nobels ( Economics & Physics )
- 10 Fields ( math medal )
Paradigms & Techniques invented by STEX are as follows.
[ Prospective Nobel Physics, Turing - Computer science, Fields - Math & Nobel -
Economics ]
- Intelligent design object paradigm of systems - Illustrated in the book Intelligent
design techniques ( Prospective Nobel physics )&
( Turing Comp Science)
- systems paradigm - - Illustrated in the book Intelligent design techniques
- Industrial fractals, matrix methods & Systems Design ) - Illustrated in the book
Intelligent design techniques( Prospective Nobel Physics
- Spatial Projections - Illustrated in the Design Bureau sections. Analogically similar
to the quantum mechanics concept data existing as a Wave form or the data existing
as a radio wave within a Particular boundary.
( Prospective Turing comp science) &
( Prospective Nobel Physics )
- Spatial layered Meta data & ( AI/Intellligent Product Design ) Structured Data paradigm
- Mathematical spatial integration of real world and the Virtual World, using layered
meta data on digital maps and additionally the math technique for Short distance
radius scan on maps ) refer information broadcasting & Stex maps search.(
Prospective Turing comp sci) & ( Fields medal math )
- Industry Domain Knowledge and Domain Neutral systems paradigm - Illustrated in the
book Intelligent design techniques
( Prospective Turing comp sci )
- Realistic Artificial Intelligence in machines - Illustrated in the book Intelligent
design techniques & Information String theory to build Synthetic Information relational Structures.
( Prospective Turing Comp science. ) &
- Systematic Automated innovation - Illustrated in the book Intelligent design techniques
- Single World Non Devalueable International currency ( IC14 - world economic currency
) Illustrated in the Design Bureau section at our website ( Prospective
Nobel - economics )
- Advanced Enterprise Finance & economics - Illustrated in the book Intelligent design
( Prospective Nobel Economics )
- Physics Color codes - reflecting Design, enginering and other machinery attributes.
Refer "Experimental section 2" ( Prospective Nobel Physics )
- Programing Paradigms like - Object Imperative model, Object Functional model, Object
model, Spatial View Model ( STEX GRID search displays complex views of data projected
as Spatial Projections ), 3D Data structure Model, Reduced Instructruction Set Variable
Thinking Model, Freescaling Objects and Variables model - Illustrated in the FCX
compilers Design section at our website
( Prospective - 5(Five) Turing comp science )
- Community Mutual Funds a New Investment Paradigm - Illustrated in the Design Bureau
section at our website( Prospective Nobel Economics )
- Free scaling Technology Architecture Techniques Paradigm - Illustrated at our FCX
Datastore,EMR,FULFILMENT, EFLUX projects( Prospective Turing
Computer science )
- Quantum Computing Techniques Paradigm - Illustrated Quantum Ballistix
- Predictive Economics Intelligence Paradigm - Illustrated as digital economic lifelines
( Intelligent Data in Stex Grid ), a new way to economics (
Prospective Nobel economics )
- Application of Space Time concepts in spatial Techniques like Projections and in
defining the structure of Space Time - refer experimental projects starship design
( Prospective Nobel Physics )
[ Fields Medals - Maths ]
- Prospective ( 10 Fields Math Medal for "Applied
Mathematics" ) in Real world application areas like
- Homomorphisms abstract algebra applied to Enterprises Structures & Holomorphic Functions
( Functions that have a Mind of their own applied in Creating Domain Neutral Process
Systems and object Polymorphicity in comp science ) ( Refer STEX ADB Book Intelligent
design techniques )
- Application of Matrices theory ( Matrix Methods) in Intelligent design Fractal Transformations
& Vector calculus mathematics ( div ,curl, grad ) in Intelligent design of Systems.
- Freescale methods & Techniques in objects/Processes/Systems freescaling and Variables
freescaling ( Parameter freescaling in Measurement[] functions and Equations )-
Refer Enterprise Flux, FCX Compilers, Datastore )
- 3D Spatial Mathematics application in creation of Spatial Projections, Spatial View
modelling ( Complex Macro picture, Complex Micro Picture )
- 3D Spatial Mathematics application in creation of Community mutual fund design &
International currency Design. - Refer FCX compiler section and the Intelligent
Design Book
- Triangulation Maths Methods in Satellite GPS Fixing and Exponential functions in
Train/RailBraking systems, Derivatives like dx/dt as a System Change/Fluctuation
Function, Reinforcement learning algorithms in Enterprise Architecture ( Enterprise
rules ) and Dynamic systems programing.
- Mathematically solving ( Balancing Equations and variables using vectors & Relations
) the Information Scaling problem for the Information Industry. Refer Project in
section #14 below.
- Mathematically ( using tensor and freescale maths ) to invent the community mutual
Fund solution( Section #13) and Insured Loan Instrument(#14)
- Mathematically solving the Stock Market problem. ( Refer Book Intelligent design
techniques - page 71 & Section#13 below )